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| 五一優惠 | 每 HK$500 減 HK$100

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Vaya Tyffyn FAQ

FAQ Page

Q: How long can food be warm in a Vaya Tyffyn?

A: Vaya tyffyn is designed to retain warmth of food for long duration, between 4 to 6 hours which is usually the duration between packing of food in the morning to regular lunchtime in the afternoon.

The 20.2 fl.oz. Vaya tyffyn retains warmth of the food for 4 – 5 hours, while the 33.8 fl.oz and 43.9 fl.oz. Vaya tyffyn retains warmth for 5 – 6 hours. On the entire Tyffyn range, on an average, if the food is packed at 70 degree C, it will be around 45 degree C after 5 hours. If you pack the food hotter (boiling hot from the stove), the tyffyn performs better. The earlier you consume food, the better it is.

The tyffyn is an interactive product – the better you treat it, the better it performs for you. Please check the below video to understand how to get the best heat retention from Vaya tyffyn.

Q: What is Vaya Tyffyn made of?

A: All variants of Vaya tyffyn, along with the inner containers, is made of the highest food grade stainless steel, approved by FDA (Food and Drug Administration). One variant of Vaya tyffyn containers have copper-finish coating on the outside, while another variant has elegant polished stainless steel. The lids are made of shatter-proof durable FDA-approved, BPA-Free plastic. All of Vaya tyffyn parts are made to be RoHS and SVHC (latest European standard) compliant.

Q: What can I carry in Vaya Tyffyn?

A: Tyffyn was designed to keep your food hot or cold, depending on your needs. It was not designed to carry both hot and cold food at the same time.

Tyffyn is especially well suited for moist, dense, hot food. Ideal for all curries, dhal, rice, roti, idli/dosa, biriyani, kebabs, tikkas, rasam rice, chowders, mashed potatoes, lasagna, gnocchi, baked pasta, minestrone, moule, tofu, rice, ratatouille, cream of vegetables, dumplings etc.

Tyffyn is also very suitable for cold food, such as salads, tofu, yogurt, ice cream, fruit, cheese, cold noodles, gazpacho, potato salad, rice salad, cole slaw, deviled eggs, jello, sushi etc.